Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas.

4 Days from US $ 420.00
Max Altitude
Trip Length
4 Days
Group Size
Min 2 Persons
Physical Level
Trip Style
All Year
Price From
$ 420
Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas.
Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas. Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas.


Descubre la belleza eterna del Salkantay Trek a Machu Picchu con Terra Quechua Perú, tu compañero de confianza en Cusco en solo 4 días, este viaje te sumergirá en el corazón de los Andes, ofreciendo una experiencia más allá de las palabras.

A medida que recorra el Salkantay Trekking, será testigo de la extraordinaria belleza de los paisajes andinos y absorberá la rica historia y las tradiciones de esta antigua tierra. Nuestra dedicación al turismo responsable garantiza que su viaje tenga un impacto mínimo en el medio ambiente, preservando la prístina belleza andina para las generaciones futuras.

Nuestros grupos pequeños garantizan una experiencia íntima, permitiéndoles forjar una conexión más profunda con el impresionante entorno natural. Nuestras guías comparten la cultura andina de una manera que entrelaza el pasado y el presente en narrativas cautivadoras.

El Salkantay Trek es una puerta de entrada al corazón de Perú, donde podrás interactuar con las comunidades quechuas locales y sumergirte en sus tradiciones y costumbres atemporales. En Terra Quechua Perú, su seguridad y comodidad son lo primero. Le proporcionamos todo el equipo y el apoyo necesarios para garantizar un viaje sin preocupaciones.

Esta caminata de 4 días ofrece la oportunidad de escapar del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida diaria y perderse en la serenidad y la maravilla de los Andes. La joya de la corona de este viaje, Machu Picchu, lo espera al final, con sus antiguas ruinas que se alzan como testimonio del ingenio de la civilización inca.

Únase a nosotros en esta caminata de 4 días desde Salkantay hasta Machu Picchu y permita que Terra Quechua Perú sea su guía en esta aventura única en la vida. Reserve ahora y cree recuerdos duraderos de este extraordinario viaje por los Andes.

Salkantay Trekking To Machu Picchu 4 Days / 3 Nights en Tiendas.



Lo recogemos de su hotel a las 4:30 am para conducir durante aproximadamente 3 horas hasta  Challacancha  , donde comenzamos nuestra  caminata Salkantay  . Tan pronto como estemos en  Mollepata,  mientras desayunamos, el cocinero y el arriero empacarán todo el equipo de campamento y cosas de cocina y comenzamos a caminar, las primeras 3 horas serán un poco cuesta arriba para llegar a  Cruzpata,  donde almorzaremos con vistas panorámicas de hermosas montañas cubiertas de nieve  (Humantay; 4120m / 13500ft y Salkantay; 6271m / 20575ft)  – ¡solo el comienzo! Comenzaremos nuestra  caminata Salkantay  hacia  Soraypampa,  nuestro primer  lugar de campamento Salkantay Trek (3800 m / 11750ft ; el campamento más alto y frío del viaje) estaremos muy cerca del segundo   nevado más alto Salkantay – montaña de Cusco.

1er día

Distancia total:  15 km (aprox.)
Tiempo estimado de caminata:  7-8 horas
Altitud máxima:  3.800 m (aprox.)
Altitud del camping:  3.800 m (aprox.)

Después de desayunar  ,  comenzaremos a caminar alrededor de las 5:30 am, ya que este día será el más largo, las primeras 4 horas son cuesta arriba para llegar al punto más alto del  Salkantay Trek (4650m/15200ft)  ubicado a medio camino entre 2 enormes montañas;  Salkantay  a la derecha y Tucarhuay a la izquierda. Desde el paso, las vistas de las 2 montañas cubiertas de nieve son increíbles. Existe la posibilidad de nieve aquí.
Después de un descanso, continuaremos nuestra caminata (cuesta abajo) a través de un espectacular bosque nuboso hacia  Huayracpunku , donde almorzaremos. Caminamos nuevamente después del almuerzo en dirección al inicio de la selva hasta llegar a nuestro segundo lugar de campamento del   Salkantay Trek de  Chaullay  o Colcapampa (3000m/9800ft).

Distancia total:  19 km (aprox.)
Tiempo estimado de caminata:  8 – 9 horas
Altitud máxima:  4.650 m (aprox.)
Altitud del camping:  2.750 m (aprox.)

Después del desayuno, a las 6.30 am, comenzamos a caminar por la selva alta cruzando el río Lluskamayo  y una variedad de pequeños arroyos para llegar  a La Playa  caminando alrededor de 6 horas. Hoy pasaremos por valles y tendremos maravillosas vistas de cascadas, frutas tropicales, plantas y tan pronto como estemos en el lugar de la playa, los caballos regresarán a Mollepata tomando el mismo Salkantay Trek y después de almorzar, tomamos un auto local para llegar a  la estación Hidroeléctrica  para comenzar a caminar 2 horas más tomando el ferrocarril a  Aguas Calientes.

3er día

Distancia total:  16 km (aprox.)
Tiempo estimado de caminata:  6-7 horas
Altitud máxima:  2.750 m (aprox.)
Altitud del campamento:  1.600 m (aprox.)  Caminata Salkantay a Machu Picchu

EspañolDía importante de la caminata Salkantay  . Nos despertamos temprano por la mañana alrededor de las 4 am y luego a las 4:30 para desayunar y salir a caminar hasta  Machu Picchu,  que toma una hora y media hasta  Machu Picchu,  pero hay otra opción para tomar el primer autobús que sale a las 5:30 a  Machu Picchu  (25 minutos de duración) para apreciar la magnífica ciudad mientras sale el sol.
Su guía le dará un recorrido a pie (aproximadamente 2 horas) y luego podrá explorar la misteriosa ciudad por su cuenta. Si aún tiene energía, también puede escalar  Huayna Picchu  (2720 m / 8890 pies).  Se necesitan 45 minutos para llegar a la cima. Luego, tomará el tren alrededor de las 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm o 6:20 pm según la disponibilidad del tren, por lo que llegará a  Ollantaytambo  después de 2 horas de viaje. Un transporte privado lo esperará y lo llevará de regreso a Cusco a su hotel.
Tiempo estimado de caminata: 1- 2 horas
Altitud máxima: 2.700 m (aprox.)


Terra Quechua Peru Included

  • Professional bilingual guide (Spanish – English).
  • Pick up from the hotel.
  • Transportation (Cusco – Soraypampa).
  • First day Andean ceremony, offering to mother earth.
  • Horsemen and mules to transport equipment, food and personal luggage (7 kilos per person).
  • A cook to prepare all meals.
  • Meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners and 3 snacks.
  • Kitchen equipment: dining tent, kitchen with table and chairs.
  • 02 nights in tents / tents for 2 persons 1 tent, dining tent.
  • 1 night hotel accommodation in Aguas Calientes.
  • Entrance fees to Machu Picchu.
  • Bus up (Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu).
  • Boiled water.
  • First aid kit.

Terra Quechua Peru No Included

  • Desayuno del primer día
  • Almuerzo y cena del último día: luego del tour guiado en Machupicchu , podrá disfrutar de tiempo libre para seguir visitando las ruinas y elegir almorzar ya sea en Machupicchu o en Aguas Calientes por su cuenta.
  • La llegada a Cusco se estima después del anochecer, la cena corre por cuenta propia también.
  • Un saco de dormir
  • Una almohada
  • Visita a las  aguas termales de Aguas Calientes : una forma relajante de terminar la caminata de 4 días mientras espera el  tren de regreso  a Cusco , a solo 10 minutos del centro del pueblo, la tarifa de entrada es de s/15.00 (soles peruanos). Se pueden alquilar toallas en  Aguas Calientes .
  • Tarifa de ingreso a Huayna Picchu  : si desea subir a esta montaña se aplica una tarifa adicional de US$ 60.00 por persona.
  • Propinas: tenga en cuenta que el personal de nuestra agencia está bien pagado, así que siéntase libre de dar o no propina según lo desee.

What to Bring

  • Una mochila con ropa de cambio para todo el período de la caminata.
  • Ropa de lluvia (chaqueta y pantalones si están disponibles) o poncho de lluvia (los ponchos de plástico se pueden comprar en Cusco )
  • Se recomienda calzado fuerte, botas de trekking impermeables.
  • Sandalias o zapatillas para correr para una mayor comodidad durante el campamento.
  • Ropa de abrigo, como chaqueta y polar. También se recomienda ropa térmica, especialmente para dormir.
  • Linterna/faro y pilas
  • Cámara y baterías (las baterías se consumen más rápidamente en condiciones de frío)
  • Sombrero o gorra para protegerte del sol, la lluvia y el frío.
  • Bloqueador solar
  • Crema after-sun o crema hidratante para rostro y cuerpo.
  • Repelente de insectos: se recomienda un mínimo de 10 % de DEET; no se ha informado de riesgo de malaria
  • Pañuelos
  • Papel higiénico
  • Snacks: galletas, barritas energéticas, chocolate, fruta cruda, muesli, etc. Recuerda que ofrecemos un snack diario por la mañana y nuestro servicio de comidas es muy completo y bien provisto. Esta recomendación es válida para todos aquellos clientes que estén acostumbrados a un snack en concreto, ya que puede ocurrir que no esté incluido en nuestra selección.
  • Recipiente para agua y agua para la primera mañana. Aviso importante: ya no se permiten botellas de agua de plástico en Machu Picchu . Se recomiendan recipientes de agua de plástico (por ejemplo, Nalgene) o de metal.
  • Opcional: pastillas esterilizadoras de agua en caso de recoger agua de arroyos o ríos a lo largo de la ruta.
  • De lo contrario, proporcionamos agua hervida filtrada, que es segura para beber y hasta el momento no ha reportado ningún problema de salud.
  • Toalla pequeña
  • Traje de baño (si desea ir a las aguas termales de Aguas Calientes )
  • Efectivo en soles
  • Pasaporte original
  • Tarjeta de identidad de estudiante internacional original (en caso de haber solicitado un descuento para estudiantes)
  • Opcional: bastones o palos para caminar (se requieren cubiertas de goma para no dañar los sitios arqueológicos)


Hiking pants and T-shirts are recommended during the day, complemented by sweaters, fleeces and waterproof jackets. It is very convenient to have light raingear available in the daypack (rain poncho or jacket and/or rain pants) as the weather changes easily and rains can suddenly occur. At night, warm clothing is required, down jackets can be useful, otherwise a fleece and a jacket. During the fourth day (if sunny) and in Machu Picchu, convertible hiking pants are useful, as can be switched into shorts if necessary. Machu Picchu has a warm climate, getting only cold at night. The rest of necessary implements are included in the “What we recommend that you bring” list.


Price information: Price per person 2024– 2025

Number of People for group :
2 3 4 5 6 – 12
Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us

Available discounts (these discounts are not cumulative)

Students: US$ 20.00 (students requi2e a valid3International Student Identity Card. Please note that Youth Travel Cards are not valid)

Teenagers: US$ 20.00 (up to 15 years of age, passport copy required for all bookings)

Departure dates: Departures are available along the year although due to weather conditions, the recommended period for this trek is April to November. All private service departure dates are adapted to your request.


PRICE PER PERSON US$420 (GROUP SIZE: 02 People MINIMUM & 12 People MAXIMUM) To confirm we need you to send us a deposit of US$150 per person as well as filled out booking form)

DECEMBER 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,25,27,
JANUARY 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29
FEBRUARY 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27
MARCH 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31
APRIL 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29
MAY 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31
JUNE 2023: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,30
JULY 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31
AUGUST 2023:  223,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31
SETIEMBRE 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,30
OCTOBER 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31
NOVEMBER 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,30
DECEMBER 2023:  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31
JANUARY 2024: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31


Cusco’s climate is divided into two differentiated seasons: the rainy season, from November to April (the heaviest rainfalls occurring usually between January – March); and the dry season, from May to October. The dry season is colder, so temperatures can drop to below 0 degrees at night.

Along the Salkantay route, temperatures range from 10-20ºC during the day if it’s sunny, to 05-10ºC during the day if not sunny and can drop below freezing at night. In Aguas Calientes/Machupicchu, at lower altitude, temperatures are usually warmer though warm clothes are still recommended at night.



You can rely on our dedicated staff to answer any questions you may have and to take care of every detail of your trip from start to finish.
Please email us to: to get started.


When travelling throughout the Andes in Peru some people will suffer some effects of altitude sickness. If you plan to hike the Salkantay Trek we recommend arriving 2 or 3 days before the start to acclimatize and rest.


Wherever possible “go down”. But, if you are staying in Cusco, you may still feel the effects. The best advice is to sleep, take plenty of fluids and you could also try coca tea. The porters chew coca leaves wrapped around a black resin called llipta. When you are actually walking and active (especially on day two of the trail), this may help since it dilates vessels to increase the blood flow to the parts of the body that need it.


Yes. We require a non-refundable booking deposit of US$150 for all treks and US$430 for al other tours.


You know the answer to this one: it depends! You reach 4600m on the second day after climbing for the best part of the day. Especially if you are within your first five days at altitude, this may give you headaches and shortness of breath. Don’t forget that even people who live in Cusco (at 3300m) still get short of breath.


Backpack, sleeping bag, mattress (we will provide you with this), rain jacket, strong footwear (walking boots are recommended as they provide support to the ankle which reduces the risk of injury especially when trekking in the wet season (December – March). However it is important that your boots are comfortable and well worn-in and not brand new. Many people prefer to trek in tennis shoes but extra care should be taken. We do not recommend trekking in sandals. One complete change of clothing, sweater, jacket (something warm), water bottle and sterilizing tablets (Micropur are recommended and can be bought in local pharmacies in Cusco), flashlight and batteries, broad-brim or peaked cap, sunblock, insect repellent, toiletries and toilet paper, selection of small snacks, chocolate, dried fruit, biscuits etc, camera and plenty of film. You also have to bring your original passport with you on the trek.


It is better to request a horse before you go on the trail rather than realize halfway through that you’re not enjoying carrying your pack at this altitude and want some help.


At meal times we will give you teas, coffees etc to drink. You’ll come across a mountain spring, fountain or small stream approximately every 1½ hours along the trail where you can fill up your water bottle. Take a bottle of at least 1½ liter capacity per person. Although the water looks it is always safer to use sterilizing tablets or a water filter. The sterilizing tablets can be bought in most pharmacies in Cusco. With these tablets you have to wait between 30 and 40 minutes before drinking. Bottled mineral water can also be taken from Cusco or bought at Mollepata or Santa Teresa.


Wherever possible “go down”. But, if you are staying in Cusco, you may still feel the effects. The best advice is to sleep, take plenty of fluids and you could also try coca tea. The porters and horse handlers chew coca leaves wrapped around a black resin called llipta. When you are actually walking and active (especially on day two of the trail), this may help since it dilates vessels to increase the blood flow to the parts of the body that need it.


Please review what is included in your trek in order to estimate what you should take. Along the way you can buy snacks and souvenirs, mostly of a non-expensive nature.


To Lima on a non-stop flight (recommended):
From Miami 5 1/2 hours
From New York 8 hours
From Los Angeles 8 1/2 hours


This is a difficult question to answer as Peru has a huge variety of weather conditions. We would say travelers can visit Peru any time of the year !
Dry season runs from May to November and this is typically the time that is most recommended. However, this is also the cooler time of year. Nighttime temperatures can drop to below freezing at the height of the dry season. June, July and August are the most popular months to visit so you will tend to encounter much larger crowds during these months.
In the wet season (December to April), you can expect showers three to four afternoons a week. For travelers that don’t mind a little drizzle and muddy trails, this time of year offers smaller crowds and greener hillsides, with wildflowers and orchids often in bloom. The shoulder seasons, April to June or September to November can often provide the best of both worlds. They typically have fewer crowds and warmer temperatures than the height of the dry season, but still tend to have relatively little rain. For more information, check out our Peru Weather page.


U.S. citizens need a valid passport and an entry form-tourist card which is provided by your air carrier either at the ticket counter when checking in for your flight to Peru or once on-board. (NOTE: Other nationalities should check with the nearest Peruvian Consulate to determine correct entry requirements.


Definitely. We tend to hear the very worst news from Latin America. Helpful people and extraordinary culture. Most crime is opportunistic and not violent buy of course, it is possible to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Care and common sense will nearly always prevail.
The Sendero Luminoso is no longer active.


All of our escorted tours include arrival transfer services, a Terra Quechua representative will be waiting for you at the point of your arrival.


Our escorted tours utilize a variety of transportation including private vans/ cars, comfortable tourist buses, flights, canoes, etc. We use a mix of private/ public transportation to provide travelers with the safest and most efficient transportation in each area. Occasionally, we may include non-typical transportation modes (rickshaw, bicycle taxi, “chicken bus”, etc.) for short distances to give travelers a sense of local flavor.


It is still possible to make changes to your return train ticket if you decide to stay an extra night at Aguas Calientes. You will have to take your train ticket personally to the train station in Aguas Calientes and ask them to change the return date of your ticket. You will probably be asked to pay an extra administrative fee and changing the ticket will be subject to availability of spaces the following day. If you change your ticket for a cheaper service then you will not be refunded the difference!.


Our guide teams have been trained in first aid and rescue and are regularly updated through seminars and courses in their respective fields. All of our trekking staff receives regular briefings on how to best comply with the Salkantay Trail and Machu Picchu Sanctuary Regulations as well as on environmental awareness. Our Credo in Nature
We are great believers in leaving the areas that we visit in as untouched a condition as is possible. We encourage everyone who travels with us to respect the land, the people, and their fellow travelers. This type of focus leads to amazing experiences and insights that bring a sense of satisfaction, which is difficult to create any other way, so be thinking responsibility, consideration, and FUN!.

Travel Guide


If you have decided to hike the Salkantay Trekking, please make sure you read this section. The Salkantay is a beautiful trek covering Andean valleys, snowy peaks, the Andean jungle, and Machu Picchu. This amazing trek is considered a moderate to difficult hike for which you need to be prepared.
First, the Salkantay Trek covers a total distance of about 55.5 miles (89 kilometers) – the Short version is about 10.5 miles (or 17 kilometers) shorter  – and reaches a maximum elevation of about 14,760 f.a.s.l. (4,600 m.a.s.l.). The trek starts at about 9,180 f.a.s.l. (2,850 m.a.s.l.) which means that in one day and a half, you will gain an elevation of about  5,580 f.a.s.l. (1,750 m.a.s.l.) These are two good reasons to be in good physical shape and used to the altitude of a high altitude city such as Cusco before starting the trek. It is recommended that you stay in Cusco or another high altitude city a couple of full days prior to starting the trek. In addition, you might choose to  take high altitude sickness pills or chew coca leaves during the trek. If you get the symptoms of altitude sickness (strong headache, nausea, stomachache, and sometimes nose bleeding), try to drink a lot of liquid, and either have a very light meal or eat nothing at all.  You should  be feeling better the next day.
Second, since you will be hiking through several ecological steps, you will be encountering different climates and will need to be ready for it. For instance, the first day will be sunny in the beginning and very cold at night (below freezing) with almost no chance of rain. The second day will be below freezing in the morning, windy at midday with a low possibility of rain, and cool at night. The third day will be warm during the day and cool at night with a possibility of rain. The fourth day will be cool at morning with a possibility of rain and warm at midday. All these weather changes require you to bring the necessary gear to make this trek an enjoyable experience. Some of the basic gear you should bring are an impermeable or rain poncho, waterproof hiking boots, sun screen, hiking hat, sun glasses, light jacket, warm jacket, long and short sleeves shirts, gloves, hat, wool socks, thermal underwear and a good sleeping bag (good for 15 Fahrenheit degrees or less).
Third, campsites are dark at night so make sure you have a good flashlight. The sky at night is spectacular and if you want to spend a while outside looking at the stars, please make sure you have a good supply of batteries.
Finally, remember to bring insect repellent, a bathing suit, a small backpack to be carried during the day, an adventurous attitude and lots of energy.


Remember to bring insect repellent, a bathing suit, a small backpack to be carried during the day, an adventurous attitude and lots of energy.
In order to fully enjoy this once in a time experience, we recommend that you  follow these instructions. Travel Insurance is highly recommended for this trip and a copy of it may be requested.
Please keep in mind that our horses will carry up to 17.6 pounds or 8 kilograms of your personal belongings. If you bring more weight, we recommend that you to hire a personal horse.


Well broken hiking shoes, a good jacket, a sleeping bag for low temperatures (as low as 28ºF), an impermeable, and sun   screen should be your priority when hiking in the Peruvian Andes. In the Andes and high jungle weather is sometimes unpredictable.


Waterproof shoes, sleeping bag for low temperatures, gloves, cotton hat, thermal socks, day hat, heavy jacket, light jacket and impermeable, long sleeve shirts, hiking pants, t-shirts, underwear, sun glasses, tennis shoes or sandals to be used at the campsites, small first aid kit, toilet paper, sun screen, insect repellant, flashlight, and water container.


Snacks, energy bars, walking sticks (Rustic walking sticks can be purchased before starting the trek), sealable bags, wet wipes, water purification pills, altitude sickness pills and camera. Please make sure to bring your personal medication to the trek as well as stomachache pills, diarrhea pills, and headache pills.


The Salkantay Trek, also known as the New Inca Trail, is North of Cusco. It reaches a maximum altitude of 4,600 meters (15,180 feet) above sea level at the highest point.
Weather: It’s very rainy from December to March, that’s why the trail is closed on those months. The rest of the year, it’s very sunny and hot during the day, but cold in the night. Temperature drops below 0°C (32°F) at night, especially from June to September.
Surroundings: On the first days, you will see three snow-capped mountains: the Tucarhuay, the Salkantay (6,264 meters / 20,671 feet), and the Huamantay; the views are stunning. On the last days, you will go through the cloud-forest, there the weather is more tropical and the vegetation is lush. You will see waterfalls and fruits plantations along the path. It is amazing how fast the sceneries change along the trail, from snow-capped mountains to banana plantations in only couple of days.

The Inca Trail has become harder to book due to the new regulations, and also it has lost its charm due to the crowds of tourists who do it every day. That’s the main reason why we are offering a new trail to Machu Picchu that has the beauty of the first one but preserves the sense of adventure and untouched that the Inca Trail has lost.

You can hike the Salkantay trek in 5 days starting at Mollepata town, or in 4 days starting at Soraypampa campsite. The only difference is that on the 5 days trek you will hike an extra day from Mollepata town to Soraypampa campsite, the other 4 days are the same as on the 4 days trek. Below is the description of the 4 days option.

Altitude: 1950 – 4600m. / 6398 – 15092 f.
High Season: April – November
Duration: 4 days or 3Days
Level of Difficulty: Moderate / Challenge




A backpack with a change of clothes for the whole period of the trek
Rain gear (jacket and pants if available) or rain poncho (plastic ponchos can be purchased in Cusco)
Strong footwear, waterproof trekking boots recommended
Sandals or jogging shoes for a higher comfort while at camp
Warm clothes, including jacket, fleeces. Thermal clothing is also recommended, especially for sleeping
Flashlight/headlamp and batteries
Camera, films and batteries (batteries consume more quickly under cold conditions)
Hat or cap to protect you from the sun, rain and cold
Sun block
After-sun cream or hydrating cream for face and body
Insect repellent – minimum recommended 20% DEET – no malaria risk has been reported
Toilet paper
Snacks: biscuits, energy bars, chocolate, raw fruits, muesli, etc. Please note that we do provide a daily morning snack and our meal service is very complete and well supplied. This recommendation applies for all clients being used to a specific snack, as it may happen that it is not included in our selection
Water container and water for the first morning. Important notice: plastic water bottles are no longer allowed into Machu Picchu. Plastic water containers (ie. Nalgene) or metal ones are recommended
Optionally: water- sterilizing tablets in case you pick up water from streams or rivers along the route. Otherwise, we provide filtered boiled water, which is safe to drink and has not reported any health problem so far
Small towel
Swimsuit (if you wish to go to the hot springs in Aguas Calientes)
Cash in soles and/or US$
Original passport
Original International Student Identity Card (in case you have applied for a student discount)
Optional: walking sticks or poles (rubber covers required in order not to damage archaeological sites).


If you have decided to hike the Salkantay Trek, please make sure you read this section. The Salkantay is a beautiful trek covering Andean valleys, snowy peaks, the Andean jungle, and Machu Picchu. This amazing trek is considered a moderate to difficult hike for which you need to be prepared.
First, the Salkantay Trek covers a total distance of about 55.5 miles (89 kilometers) – the Short version is about 10.5 miles (or 17 kilometers) shorter  – and reaches a maximum elevation of about 14,760 f.a.s.l. (4,600 m.a.s.l.). The trek starts at about 9,180 f.a.s.l. (2,850 m.a.s.l.) which means that in one day and a half, you will gain an elevation of about  5,580 f.a.s.l. (1,750 m.a.s.l.) These are two good reasons to be in good physical shape and used to the altitude of a high altitude city such as Cusco before starting the trek. It is recommended that you stay in Cusco or another high altitude city a couple of full days prior to starting the trek. In addition, you might choose to  take high altitude sickness pills or chew coca leaves during the trek. If you get the symptoms of altitude sickness (strong headache, nausea, stomachache, and sometimes nose bleeding), try to drink a lot of liquid, and either have a very light meal or eat nothing at all.  You should  be feeling better the next day.
Second, since you will be hiking through several ecological steps, you will be encountering different climates and will need to be ready for it. For instance, the first day will be sunny in the beginning and very cold at night (below freezing) with almost no chance of rain. The second day will be below freezing in the morning, windy at midday with a low possibility of rain, and cool at night. The third day will be warm during the day and cool at night with a possibility of rain. The fourth day will be cool at morning with a possibility of rain and warm at midday. All these weather changes require you to bring the necessary gear to make this trek an enjoyable experience. Some of the basic gear you should bring are an impermeable or rain poncho, waterproof hiking boots, sun screen, hiking hat, sun glasses, light jacket, warm jacket, long and short sleeves shirts, gloves, hat, wool socks, thermal underwear and a good sleeping bag (good for 15 Fahrenheit degrees or less).
Third, campsites are dark at night so make sure you have a good flashlight. The sky at night is spectacular and if you want to spend a while outside looking at the stars, please make sure you have a good supply of batteries.
Finally, remember to bring insect repellent, a bathing suit, a small backpack to be carried during the day, an adventurous attitude and lots of energy.
Remember to bring insect repellent, a bathing suit, a small backpack to be carried during the day, an adventurous attitude and lots of energy.
In order to fully enjoy this once in a time experience, we recommend that you  follow these instructions. Travel Insurance is highly recommended for this trip and a copy of it may be requested.
Please keep in mind that our horses will carry up to 17.6 pounds or 8 kilograms of your personal belongings. If you bring more weight, we recommend that you to hire a personal horse.


Well broken hiking shoes, a good jacket, a sleeping bag for low temperatures (as low as 28ºF), an impermeable, and sun   screen should be your priority when hiking in the Peruvian Andes. In the Andes and high jungle weather is sometimes unpredictable.


Waterproof shoes, sleeping bag for low temperatures, gloves, cotton hat, thermal socks, day hat, heavy jacket, light jacket and impermeable, long sleeve shirts, hiking pants, t-shirts, underwear, sun glasses, tennis shoes or sandals to be used at the campsites, small first aid kit, toilet paper, sun screen, insect repellant, flashlight, and water container.


Snacks, energy bars, walking sticks (Rustic walking sticks can be purchased before starting the trek), sealable bags, wet wipes, water purification pills, altitude sickness pills and camera.

Please make sure to bring your personal medication to the trek as well as stomachache pills, diarrhea pills, and headache pills.


LUGGAGE STORAGE AND LOAD LIMITS: During the trek your main luggage will be stored at your hotel in Cuzco and you will receive a small duffle bag at your briefing (which will be held the evening before you start the trek) to pack clothes for 3-4 days. Your team of porters or horsman will carry these bags together with the food and equipment for the trail.
Please note that you will not have access to these items until the end of each day as the horseman will always be ahead of the group. You should therefore bring a day pack in which you can carry personal belongings such as your camera, water and sun screen etc. By Peruvian law the duffle bag must not weigh more than 7 kilograms (15lbs) which is to include your sleeping bag. All bags will be weighed before being accepted. If you require more than 7 kilograms, it will then be your responsibility to carry the extra amount together with your day pack.


Please note: During the Salkantay trek even daytime temperatures can become extremely cold with a wind chill factor, especially on day 2 crossing the high passes.

  • Original International Student Identity Card (in case you have applied for a student discount)
  • One sleeping bag per person: our sleeping bags are -15ºC-comfort (0ºF), mummy form and include a sleeping liner. They are cleaned after every use and have a maximum usage of 30 trips, can also be hired in our office for US$20.
  • One pillow per person
  • Well worn-in waterproof walking boots: Good quality, comfortable footwear is essential. Whatever you wear on your feet the most important thing is comfort. It is vital to ensure your boots are well worn in and lightweight.
  • Waterproof clothing: A plastic poncho is recommended and can be purchased easily for approx US$1.
  • A backpack with a change of clothes for the whole period of the trek
  • Rain gear (jacket and pants if available) or rain poncho (plastic ponchos can be purchased in Cusco)
  • Strong footwear, waterproof trekking boots recommended
  • Sandals or jogging shoes for a higher comfort while at camp
  • Warm clothes, including jacket, fleeces. Thermal clothing is also recommended, especially for sleeping
  • Flashlight/headlamp and batteries
  • Camera, films and batteries (batteries consume more quickly under cold conditions)
  • Hat or cap to protect you from the sun, rain and cold
  • Sun block
  • After-sun cream or hydrating cream for face and body
  • Insect repellent – minimum recommended 20% DEET – no malaria risk has been reported
  • Handkerchiefs
  • Toilet paper

Snacks: biscuits, energy bars, chocolate, raw fruits, muesli, etc. Please note that we do provide a daily morning snack and our meal service is very complete and well supplied. This recommendation applies for all clients being used to a specific snack, as it may happen that it is not included in our selection
Water container and water for the first morning. Important notice: plastic water bottles are no longer allowed into Machu Picchu. Plastic water containers (ie. Nalgene) or metal ones are recommended
Optionally: water- sterilizing tablets in case you pick up water from streams or rivers along the route. Otherwise, we provide filtered boiled water, which is safe to drink and has not reported any health problem so far
Small towel
Swimsuit (if you wish to go to the hot springs in Aguas Calientes)
Cash in soles and/or US$
Optional: walking sticks or poles (rubber covers required in order not to damage archaeological sites)


  • Original Passports
  • Salkantay Trek Map(Will be provide in the briefing day)
  • Original International Student Identity Card (in case you have applied for a student discount)


Is a trek that takes you through diverse landscapes and altitudes as we trek around the skirts of Mount Salkantay(6271m/20,568ft) and camp within clear sight of the snow capped peak. Ascending to reach the famous Apacheta Pass at 4,600m/15,088ft) and then descent into a more tropical area passing Andenes and Chaullay on the far side of the mountain. Train ride from Hydro Electric Dam and then spend the rest of the 4th evening relaxing in the town and hotsprings of Aguas Calientes. Early 5th morning you take the bus (or walk if desired) up to Machu Picchu your well deserved prize. Late afternoon train and bus back to Cusco in the evening.
This path is well-known as the Salkantay Trek. After the Inca Trail, the Salkantay Trek is the most beautiful and popular one. Indeed, the magazine National Geographic Adventure rated the Salkantay Trek as one of the best 25 treks all over the world.

Type of Tour: Alternative Trek to Machu Picchu
Group Size: The minimum to open the departure is two people and our maximum is eight  so if you guys are two we can do it!.
Ideal For: Adventure Seekers, Couples, Families, Nature Lovers and Intrepid People
Difficulty: Moderate to Challenging.
Route: Closed in February
High Season: April – November
Altitude: 1950 – 4600m. / 6398 – 15092 f.
Departures Day: – Daily departures All private service departure dates are adapted to your request
Distance:  50 km
Location: Mountain range Vilcabamba – Cusco
Day Temperature: 15 ºC to 25 ºC /
Night temperature: 4ºC to – 7º C


El Salkantay a Machu Picchu Trek , puede ser considerado como un trekking de moderado a difícil. El Salkantay Trek Largo cubre una distancia de 64 kilómetros o 40 millas en promedio. Además, el punto más alto alcanza alrededor de 4,600.00 msnm o 15,000.00 fasl Nuestra empresa está preparada para hacer de su experiencia, la mejor.
Cusco cubre un área total de 70,015.30 Km2. En esta hermosa tierra, es posible encontrar coloridos valles andinos, picos nevados, ríos, cascadas, la hermosa selva andina, sitios incas y preincaicos, y varias comunidades andinas. Estas comunidades andinas están conectadas por millas de caminos. Algunos de estos caminos han sido utilizados antes de que los españoles llegaran al Perú. Uno de estos caminos es el que conecta el valle andino de Mollepata con el pueblo de Santa Teresa ubicado en la selva andina. Este camino es conocido como el Salkantay Trek. Después del Camino Inca, el Salkantay Trek es el más hermoso y popular. De hecho, la revista National Geographic Adventure calificó el Salkantay Trek como uno de los 25 mejores trekkings del mundo.

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Why to Choose Terra Quechua Peru

TERRA QUECHUA PERU. Is a full-service travel company. Our reputation for excellence is earned every day by providing the ultimate in value and personal attention. Since our founding in 2012, we have striven to make travel simple, worry-free, and fun for our corporate and leisure customers alike.

What is Terra Quechua Peru's mission?

Terra Quechua Peru is dedicated to providing the ultimate in value and personal attention to its customers, striving to make travel simple, worry-free, and enjoyable for both corporate and leisure travelers.

Who founded Terra Quechua Peru, and what distinguishes it as a company?

Terra Quechua Peru, initially started by Raquel Sanchez and Edwin Medina, is a family-owned travel agency and direct local tour operator headquartered in Cusco. Their extensive personal experience in trekking, along with the fact that it's a 100% Cusquenian Company without any shareholders, sets it apart.

What sets Terra Quechua Peru apart from other travel companies?

Terra Quechua Peru distinguishes itself by its dedication to providing exceptional value and personalized attention to its clients. Since its establishment in 2012, it has been committed to making travel straightforward, stress-free, and enjoyable for both corporate and leisure travelers. Additionally, being a family-owned business with a strong local presence and a wealth of experience in trekking further sets it apart.

What makes Terra Quechua Peru unique in the travel industry?

Terra Quechua Peru's uniqueness lies in its origins as a family-owned travel agency and direct local tour operator. Its founders, Raquel Sanchez and Edwin Medina, have personal experience spanning many years in trekking, offering travelers an authentic and knowledgeable perspective of Peru.

What kind of experience expect with Terra Quechua Peru?

Travelers with Terra Quechua Peru can anticipate a personalized and friendly experience during their trekking adventures. The guides are dedicated to making travelers feel like they are hiking with their own family or friends. Their in-depth knowledge of the region and culture adds an extra layer of authenticity to every journey.

Can Terra Quechua Peru help plan custom trips?

Yes, Terra Quechua Peru specializes in fully customizable trips. They can work with travelers to create personalized itineraries that cater to their specific interests and preferences, ensuring a tailored and unforgettable experience in Peru.

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